The Scottish Week was created around 1930. Curlers from Dundee area of Scotland met with Swiss curlers in Zermatt. The Scottish curlers presented their Swiss colleagues the “Dundee Kettle” (left photo) and in response, the Curling Club Zermatt presented the “Swiss Silver Curling Stone” (right photo). These were the only two competitions held during the Scottish week.

In 2023, the prizes for the Swiss Silver Curling Stone completion were provided by B
äckerei Fuchs. Thank you very much!

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In 1994, a third competition was added when Amédée Biner offered the “Praliné Cup”. The awards for the final competition were the finest Swiss chocolates supplied by Biner. The January 2019 competition marked the 26th, and unfortunately last, anniversary of the Praliné Cup. We sincerely thank the Bäckerei & Konitorei Biner for their 26-year sponsorship of the Scottish Week!

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In 2020 we welcomed for the first time curlers from Canada! They were a welcome addition and we hope to continue to welcome curlers from "the other side of the pond"!
2020 also marked the 90th anniversary of the Scottish Week! Beyond the celebration, we exhibited the fun, competition, and spirit of curling on which the competition was founded. We look forward to another 90 years!
Manor is our sponsor for the third tournament. Manor is a major Swiss department store chain which has over sixty locations in Switzerland.

Manor was founded in 1902 in Lucerne, making it even older than the Scottish Week at 120 years! It is wonderful that a Swiss company with a long and rich tradition will support the Scottish Week with its own long, but much hazier, history.

The third tournament is referred to as the "Manor Prize". Manor has made a three-year commitment to be a sponsor of the Manor Prize tournament in the Scottish Week!

A big thank you to Bruno Schwager for his efforts in securing this significant new sponsor and we hope that the sponsorship will continue through the years.

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In January 2024, over thirty Swiss journeyed to Hamilton Scotland for a "Scottish Week visits the home of curling" event where we played with Scottish curlers in the Scottish versions of the Dundee Kettle and the Swiss Silver Curling Stone competitions. We had over fifty curlers compete over the week including four Canadians. It was a great event enjoyed by all.